Unbelief as Sin versus Justification by Agape: A Dialogical Response to Prof. Ogletree and Prof. Stackhouse
Unbelief as Sin versus Justification by Agape: A Dialogical Response to Prof. Ogletree and Prof. Stackhouse
Due to the top priority of the command to love God over the command to love one's neighbor, these two commands wil/ fall into a profound paradox "to violate generally accepted morality for the sake of Christian faith. " The orthodox doctrine of "justification by faith" expresses this paradox in a most definite way, because it regards unbelief in God as the most unacceptable, hateful, and punishable sin against God. Only by giving up this priority can the two love commands truly move beyond the moral paradox and realize their essential and holy unity in the framework of a new " theology of agape" or a new doctrine of "justification by agape. "
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