本文从微水电的定义、优势、具有开发潜力的地区和影响因素等方面概述了微水电;阐述了微水电的开发成本和对系统的评价;调研了加拿大、欧盟、尼泊尔等对微水电的政策,以及联合国和世界银行在秘鲁、斯里兰卡、尼泊尔、津巴布韦、莫桑比克五国的微水电项目发展的战略;简要叙述了Practical Action非政府机构对微水电开发的贡献;最后,概述了我国微水电的发展现状。研究表明,目前微水电开发的热门地区集中在拉丁美洲、非洲、南亚等相对落后的发展中国家,微水电开发利用技术相对成熟,针对微水电的开发,加拿大编制了投资手册并开发了软件,联合国国际发展部、世界银行等联合编制了在发展中国家实现微水电可持续发展实践的报告。在我国,微水电从20世纪80年代中期开始得到发展,近几年已取得了较大进展,原农业部微水电设备质量监督检验测试中心也发布了微水电设备的国家标准,还编制了微水电机组选用、安装与维护的手册,从而进一步提高了我国微水电行业的技术水平和规范化管理。
The paper summarized the definition, advantages, potential sites, and factors of micro-hydropower, and analyzed the cost of a micro-hydropower system and the policies/strategies in micro-hydropower in both developed and developing countries or international organizations. And the current situation of micro- hydropower in our country was also sketched. It showed that micro-hydropower got a rapid development in these underdeveloped regions such as Latin America, Africa, South Asia, et al these days. Presently, the technology of micro-hydropower development and utilization was relatively mature. Aiming at the micro- hydropower development, Canada had compiled the investment manual and developed the software. And the report of best practices for sustainable development of micro-hydropower developing countries was completed by the Department for International Development, UK and World Bank in 2000. In our country, micro-hydropower began to develop from the middle of 80’s last century, which made large progress in recent years. Many national criterions of micro-hydropower equipment had been issued by the Quality Control Inspection Center for Micro-hydropower Equipment, Ministry of Agriculture. And the center also compiled the handbook of micro hydroelectric generating sets’ selection, installation and maintenance.
China Water Power & Electrification