
自我正面偏见的ERP研究 被引量:10

An ERP Study on Self-positivity Bias
摘要 以情绪性汉语双字词为材料,记录被试执行自我相关判断任务时的事件相关电位(ERP),初步探讨自我相关信息和情绪效价加工之间的关系。结果显示两者存在显著的交互作用,相对于非自我正面和自我负面字词,被试对自我正面和非自我负面字词的反应更快。N400的波幅也存在两者的交互作用,对自我正面偏见以外的词表现出更大的波幅。这表明自我相关信息加工与情绪效价加工是密切相关的,从而证实了自我正面偏见的存在。 The present study attempted to identify the processing of self-reference and emotional valence. The event-related brain potentials were recorded when the participants performed self-related decision tasks, judging the self-referential content of positive and negative Chinese words. The results showed an interaction between self-reference and emotional valence. The participants responded to self-positive and non-self negative words faster than stir-negative and non-self-positive ones. A similar interaction was identified in N400, with larger N400 amplitudes for words outside of the self-positivity bias. The results indicated that the processing of selfrelevance and emotional valence were closely associated and comfirmed the self-positivity bias.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期560-563,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划重点研究课题资助(项目号:DBA080171)
关键词 自我 自我正面偏见 自我相关 情绪效价 ERPS self, self-positivity bias, self-reference, emotional valence, ERPs
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