马坞金矿分布于岷—礼金成矿带的东部,距中川岩体5 km左右。通过野外地质勘查和地球化学测量,获取丰富的矿床地质特征数据,系统分析了马坞金矿矿区的矿床地质特征、矿体地质特征。围岩蚀变以中—低温热液蚀变为主,蚀变强度与金矿化强度呈正相关;极化体与已知矿化蚀变带有较好的对应关系;矿区共圈定6条矿脉,沿走向及倾向具有尖灭再现、局部膨大缩小的特点,总体呈脉状、似板状、局部为大的透镜体状等,沿裂隙发育的矿脉金品位较高。矿石结构主要有自形—半自形—它形粒状结构、包含结构、交代结构、碎裂结构、压碎结构、揉皱结构及交代残余结构等;矿石构造主要有浸染状、条带状、斑点状、(网)脉状、角砾状、蜂窝状等构造。从地层、构造、岩浆岩等三个方面分析了控矿因素。建立了马坞金矿的"地层—构造—岩浆岩"成矿模式。在此基础上,提出了从矿区、矿区东部、南部及外围等四个方面的找矿方向,并分析了其找矿潜力。
The Mawu gold deposit is located in the eastern part of the main Minxian-Lixian gold zone, 5 km from the Zongchuan Rock mass, a huge gold field. The geological structure is complex. Geological and geochemical field surveys reveal the following characteristics of the deposit and the ore body: 1. The wall-rock alteration is mainly low-to-medium-grade hydrothermal alteration. And the alteration intensity was positively correlated with the gold mineralization intensity. 2. The attitude of the ore potential body corresponds with that of the known mineralized zone. 3. Six ore veins were delineated, of variable thick- ness, and pinching out and reappearing along strike. The veins vary from tabular to lenticular in shape. The gold grade is highest in veins developed conformable with the fracture pattern. The individual ore bodies show automorphic-hypautomorphic-allotriomorphic granular texture, as well as Poikilitic texture, metasomaric texture, cataclastic texture, pressure texture, corrugation texture and metasomatic relict tex- ture. Their configuration is disseminated, banded, patchy, vein-like (in general), brecciated, or honey- comb in nature. Factors controlling ore distribution were analyzed from three pempectives: geological for- mation, structure, and igneous rock type. Then, a "strata-tectonic-magmatic rock" model was estab- lished for the Mawu gold deposit, and four prospective ore concentrations, their potential, and their prob- able structural extent were defined and analyzed, i. e. the main mines, southern mines, eastern mines,and external mines.
Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology
Ore-controlling factors
Mining prospecting orientations
Mineral deposit model
Mawu goldfield
Min county i Gansu province