基于对蓄电池维护的需要,采用由2个Bi Buck-Boost电路拓扑组合的方法,设计了一种宽电压范围输出的双向DC/DC变换器,研制了一台10kW的样机.实验结果表明,该样机可以实现对单节蓄电池或多节蓄电池组进行充放电,在额定功率范围内,输出电压、电流稳定,纹波小,响应速度快,验证了设计的正确性.
According to the requirement of battery maintenance,a wide voltage range output bi-directional DC/DC converter is designed by combination of two Bi Buck-Boost circuit topology,and an 10kW prototype is made.The experiment results prove that,in rated power range,the prototype can charge or discharge to a single battery or several batteries.The prototype's output voltage and current are stable,and it's speed of response is very quickly.The correctness of the design is demonstrated.
Machinery & Electronics