
细胞因子联合对4.5 Gy γ射线照射比格犬造血损伤的治疗作用 被引量:1

Therapeutic effects of combined cytokines on hematopoietic injuries induced by 4.5 Gy γ-rays irradiation in beagles
摘要 目的 观察细胞因子组合对4.5 Gy γ射线照射比格犬造血系统损伤的治疗效果,为极重度骨髓型急性放射病的临床救治提供实验依据.方法 16只比格犬均给予4.5 Gy60 Co γ射线全身照射,随机分为照射对照、综合对症和细胞因子3组.细胞因子组动物在综合对症支持治疗的基础上应用rhG-CSF、rhIL-11和rhIL-2联合治疗.2 d检测1次外周血象,分别于照射前4 d,照射后1和45 d收集骨髓和外周血进行造血细胞集落培养,制备胸骨病理切片观察组织形态学改变.结果 照射后各组动物外周血各类细胞数急剧下降,细胞因子联合治疗可提高白细胞最低值(1.04×10^9/L,而照射对照组和综合对症组分别为0.28×10^9/L和0.68×10^9/L),缩短血小板减少持续时间(细胞因子组24 d,综合对症组33 d),使红细胞维持在正常值范围;照射后1 d骨髓及外周血中造血干细胞集落形成率明显下降,照射后45 d 2个治疗组造血干细胞集落数均恢复为照射前水平;照射对照组动物骨髓造血细胞完全消失,细胞因子治疗使得骨髓造血功能完全恢复,与照射前水平比较差异无统计学意义.结论 rhG-CSF、rhIL-11和rhIL-2联合应用可提高极期时外周血白细胞最低值,加速白细胞、血小板和红细胞恢复,促进4.5 Gy γ射线照射犬体内残留造血干/祖细胞的增殖、分化和成熟,从而加速造血功能的重建.rhG-CSF、rhIL-11和rhIL-2不失为治疗极重度骨髓型急性放射病的有效措施. Objectivc To observe the therapeutic effects of combined cytokines on hematopoietic injuries induced by 4.5 Gy^60 Co γ-rays irradiation in beagles,and to provide experimental evidences for the clinical treatment of extremely severe myeloid acute radiation sickness(ARS).Methods 16 beagles were given 4.5 Gy^60 Co γ-rays total body irradiation,and then randomly assigned into irradiation control group,supportive care group and cytokines group.In addition to supportive care,recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rhG-CSF),recombinant human interleukin-11(rhIL-11)and recombinant human interleukin-2(rhIL-2)were administered subcutaneouly to dogs in cytokines group.Peripheral blood hemogram was examined once every two days.Bone marrow and peripheral blood were collected to proceed colony cultivation 4 d pre-irradiation and 1 and 45 d post-irradiation.Conventional histopathological sections of sternum were prepared to observe the histomorphology changes. Results After irradiation,the population of all kinds of cells in peripheral blood declined sharply.WBC nadir Was elevated(1.04×10^9/L,but 0.28×10^9/L and 0.68×10^9/L for the irradiation control group and the supportive care group separately),the duration of thrombocytopenia was shortened (24 days,but 33 days for the supportive care groug) and red blood cell counts were maintained in the range of normal values after cytokincs treatment in combination.The colony forming efficiency of haemopoietic stem cells(HSCs)in bone marrow and peripheral blood decreased obviously 1 d post irradiation,but recovered to the level of that before irradiation 45 d post irradiation after supportive care and cytokines treatment.Hematopoietic cells disappeared in bone marrow of animals in irradiation control group,but hematopoietic functions were recovered after cytokines were administrated.Conclusions RhG-CSF.rhIL-11 and rhIL-2 used in combination could elevate WBC nadir,accelerate the recovery of leukocytes,platelets and red blood cells and pr
出处 《中华放射医学与防护杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期247-251,共5页 Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection
基金 国防科工委“十一五”核科学基础研究重点项目(A3620060130)
关键词 重组粒细胞集落刺激因子 重组白细胞介素-11 重组白细胞介素-2 造血损伤 比格犬 rhG-CSF rhIL-11 rhIL-2 Hematopoietic injuries Beagles
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