目的探讨幼儿早期益生菌的补充与后期喘息性疾病发病风险之间的关系。方法 6个月~1.5岁婴幼儿喘息性疾病患儿78例(毛细支气管炎53例,婴幼儿哮喘25例),另外选取78例非喘息性疾病患儿作为对照。采用向家长书面问卷调查的方法询问各组婴儿既往病史、家族及个人过敏史、怀孕出生、婴幼儿喂养情况、生活条件以及孕期和出生后益生菌补充情况等。结果生命早期(孕期以及出生后)益生菌的补充是幼儿期喘息性疾病发病风险的独立保护因素,且这种保护作用与益生菌补充时间关系密切而与补充菌种数关系不大。结论生命早期益生菌的补充可能有利于喘息性疾病的预防,但还需要临床干预研究予以证实。
Objective To evaluate the influence of early probiotics intervention and the development of wheezy disease. Methods A total of 78 infants with an age of 6-18 months were recruited into the wheezy group (53 with bronchiolitis and 25 with asthma) and 78 infants without wheezy disease were categorized into the control group. Questionnaire type survey was conduction to collection information such as food feeding,asthma and allergic history,environmental factors and social economic status,the intervention of probiotics during pregnancy and after birth. Results The intervention of probiotics in early life was an independent protective factor for the risk of wheezy disease. The protection was closely associated with the duration of the supplement but not the numbers of the bacteria. Conclusion Early probiotic intervention may prevent the development of wheezy disease. Further clinical intervention study is required for the identification of the protective mechanism.
Journal of Tropical Medicine