用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和中国160站降水和气温资料,研究了冬季中东急流与中国气候异常的联系。结果表明:中东急流偏强、位置偏东南时,200 hPa上孟加拉湾、中南半岛及中国南海西风加强,而中国30°N以北西风减弱,相应地东亚急流减弱;500 hPa上西欧脊加强且东欧大槽加深,伴随孟加拉湾北部南支槽加深而东亚大槽减弱,有利于欧洲中东部冷空气频繁向东南方向活动,并一直影响到中国西南部;850 hPa上缅甸、中南半岛、华南沿海的西南风距平,有利于孟加拉湾水汽向华南地区输送;上述大气环流异常有利于华南地区降水显著增加,长江上游地区气温下降特别是西南地区气温显著降低,东北地区气温升高;反之亦然。
By using the monthly NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and precipitation and temperature data of 160 stations over China,the relation of the Middle East jet stream(MEJS) and winter climate anomaly in China is studied.The results show that when the MEJS intensifies and shifts southeastward,the 200 hPa westerlies strengthen over the Bay of Bengal,Indo-China Peninsula and South China Sea,and weaken over north China north to 30°N,combined with decreased East Asia jet stream;at 500 hPa,the West European Ridge increases and the East European Trough deepens associated with the deepened southern Branch Trough over the north of the Bay of Bengal and the decreased East Asian trough,which contributes to frequent southeastward intrusions of the cold air from central eastern Europe to southwest China;the 850 hPa southwest wind anomaly intensifies over Myanmar,the Indo-China Peninsula and south China coast,which contributes to water vapor transport from the Bay of Bengal to south China;all the above atmospheric circulation anomalies result in the significant precipitation increasing in South China,and the temperature decreasing(increasing) in the the upper reaches of Yangtze River(northeast China),especially the significant temperature decreasing in southwest China;and vice versa.
Journal of the Meteorological Sciences