This paper reports two new
genera and three new species of Acridoidea from Western part of Inner Mongolia. The type
specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University.
Quadriverticis Zheng, gen. nov. Size small. Head large, protuberence above the pronotum
distinct. Vertex long square, anterior margin straight, in profile, oblique forward distinctly, joined
with the frons forming a round arc. Foveola small, triangular. Frons seen in profile verticle,
frontal ridge with percurrent longitudinal furrow. Antennae filiform. Eyes nearly round. In the
middle of anterior margin of pronotum trangular protruding, hind margin obtuse angular, midkeel
only distinct before anterior transverse sulcus and behind the posterior transverse sulcus,
lateral keels absent; the length of metazona slightly larger than the length of prozona. Width of
inter space of mesosternal lobes wider than the width of mesosternal lobes. Metasternal lobes
separated each other. Elytra narrow and long, reaching behind the top of hind femur; medial
area with intercalary vein. Hind wing transparent, without colour and stripes. The length of inner
spur shorter than the half length of the first tarsus. Tympanal plate large, covered more than
third of tympanal organ. Type species: Quadriverticis elegans Zheng, sp. nov. This new
genus is allied to Acrotylus Fieber and Sphingonotus Fieber. It differs from both in: 1)
vertex long square; 2) hind margin of pronotum obtuse angular; 3) hind wing transparent,
without any colour and stripes. It differs from the former in: 1) the length of pronotum larger than
its width; 2) length of inner spur shorter than the length of the first tarsus; 3) tympanal plate
large, covered the tympanal organ more than third; 4) body smooth, without thick hairs. It differs
Orthoptera, Acridoidea,
Quadriverticis, Pusillarolium, new genus, new species, China