光导焦平面探测器的性能同其偏压及读出电路的工作参数密切相关。本文研究了采用CTIA型读出电路的1×128线列光导PbS焦平面探测器工作时,探测器偏压、积分时间和读出电路偏置电压对探测器信号、噪声及探测率的影响。实验结果表明:探测器信号、噪声及探测率均随探测器偏压增长而增加,存在一个最佳偏压3 V,使得探测器探测率达到最大;当超过此偏压后,信号电压增量减小,噪声电压增量增加;存在一个最佳积分时间50μs,此时探测器探测率达到最大;存在一个可使用的读出电路偏置电压范围3.35~3.85 V,在此范围内,信号和噪声均随读出电路偏置电压的增加而减小,但探测器探测率基本不变。研究结果对寻找光导PbS焦平面探测器最佳工作条件具有指导意义。
Performance of PC PbS IRFPA detector depends on bias voltage applied to PbS detector and working parameters of ROIC, Effects of working parameters, such as bias voltage applied to PbS detector, integration time and bias voltage applied to ROIC, on the performance of 1 × 128 linear PbS IRFPA detector with CTIA ROIC were investigated. Results show that signal, noise and detectivity of detector increase with bias voltage applied to PbS detector. The detee- tivity of detector reaches the maximum when bias voltage applied to PbS detector is 3 V. Increment of signal decreases while increment of noise increases after a critical bias voltage applied to PbS detector. The detectivity of detector rea- ches the maximum when integration time is 50 pus. Both signal and noise of detector decrease while bias voltage applied to ROIC increases in a range of 3.35 - 3.85 V. Meantime,the detectivety of detector keeps almost constant. The results are helpful to finding optimum working parameters.
Laser & Infrared