栾多态毛蚜〔Periphyllus koelrcutoriae(Takahashi)〕一年发生5代,以卵越冬。一代干母发生盛期为3月下旬~4月上旬;二代干雌(大部为无翅胎生雌蚜)发生盛期在4月下旬;三代孤雌胎生蚜(大部为有翅胎生雌蚜)发生盛期在5月中旬;四代越夏滞育型蚜发生盛期为5月中旬;五代有、无翅性蚜发生盛期为10月下旬~11月上旬;产卵盛期为11月中、下旬。1~3代的单蚜繁殖量平均14~25头,成活期平均20~26天。防治适期用辛硫磷、久效磷、氧化乐果等农药,采用喷雾及涂茎法,均收到良好效果。
Periphyllus koelreutoriae (Takahashi) has 5 generations one year and hibernates in eggs.The thriving occurance periods of each generation are as follows: The first generationfundatrices from the last ten days of March to the first ten days of April; the second gen-eration fundatrigenia (wingless aphids largely) in the last ten days of April; the: third gen-eration parthenogentic vivipara (winged aphids largely) in the first ten days of May: theforth generation diapause aphids in the second ten days of May; the fifth generationsexuales from the last ten days of October to the first ten days of November, and theovipositing in the second and last ten days of November. The average fecundities of a single aphid from the first to the third generation are 14~25, the average life periods are 20~26 days. By means of spraying leaves and smearing stems, good effects of chemical control couldbe got. At the right control time, Phoxim, Monocrotophus and Omethoate etc. were used,and the control effects were ideal.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition
Periphyllus koelreutoriae(Takahashi)
chemical control