为了研究LPG(液化石油气)在不同形状的双孔喷嘴内的流动情况和气穴现象,用FIRE对LPG(主要针对液态丙烷)自由喷雾的流动特点进行了数值模拟和探讨。首先查表、计算得到丙烷气体的14组物化参数,建立丙烷的参数数据库,再在pro/e2000 i中建立3种结构喷嘴的实体模型,将其导入FIRE中进行模拟分析,得到喷嘴内部绝对压力、速度及体积分数的模拟图形,并分析了喷嘴形状对气体颗粒形成的影响。
This paper studies the-free-spraying-and-flowing properties of liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG), especially liquid propane. A numerical simulation and a deep discussion has been made about the situation of inner flowing and cavitation in different shapes of nozzles. The influence of the nozzle shape on the formation of gas particles is analyzed. The database of physical and chemical characteristics of propane has been established and imported into FIRE through which the simulation image of the pressure, velocity and volume fraction can be obtained.
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