研究浮点数四则运算及三角函数在定点数DSP TMS320F2407的实现方法。该方法利用尾数和阶码的方法对加法、减法、乘法和除法进行四则运算,采用幂级数展开和四则运算的方法完成三角函数的浮点数运算,并在TMS320F2407上编制完整的算法,同时给出了正弦函数的实验数据。该方法思路新颖、精度高、速度快,可移植到其他浮点数运算的单片机上。
This paper studies the realization methods of float arithmetic and trigonometric functions based on fixed-point DSP TMS320F2407,which use the mantissa and factorial method to calculate addition,subtraction,multiplication and division,and apply the power series spread and arithmetic operation to realize float trigonometric functions.The paper compiles the arithmetic on TMS320F2407.The experimental data of sine are given,which show the arithmetic with high precision and rapid speed,can be used on other single-chip microprocessor.
Mechanical Engineering & Automation