It is derived the Hamiltonian for the interaction of a Λ type three level atom with a two mode quantum cavity field from the general interaction Hamiltonian between a multi level atom and a multi mode radiation field,and reduce it into an effective two mode Raman coupled mode under large detuning condition.It is proposed a modified effective Hamiltonian for the two mode Raman coupled model.It is found the time dependent state vectors and present validity conditions for the involved interaction Hamiltonians.It is shown that in the study of the two mode Raman coupled model it is not enough to retain only the usually used effective Hamiltonian,one must also take into account the ac Stark shift of the atomic levels(at least one of the levels).Finally,it is studied the atomic dynamics in the interaction of a Λ type three level atom with a two mode quantum cavity field and in the two mode Raman coupled model.It is found that the number of collapse revivals,the collapse time and the revival time show new characteristics.
Acta Photonica Sinica