目的应用治疗干预计分系统(therapeutic intervention scoring system,TISS)评定和分析重症监护病房(intensive care unit,ICU)的护理工作量,为ICU护理工作量的评估提供依据。方法自2009年5-12月收集本院236例次患者每天的TISS计分,统计ICU病房每天所有患者的TISS总分。结果 ICU患者每天TISS计分均数为(41.32±13.27)分,其中有48.73%例次的TISS计分≥40分,属于TISS分类IV级的重患者。ICU每天护理工作总量的TISS计分均数为(206.55±89.41)分。76项护理干预项目中,心电监护、记录24h出入量、留置导尿管的操作频次占前3位。结论 ICU护士处于超负荷工作状态;ICU护士人力资源现状与所需存在着一定的差距,尽快缩小和消除这一差距有利于提高护理质量。
Objective To assess the nursing workload of intensive care unit utilizing the Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (TISS), and to provide a reference for the clinical management. Methods 236 cases in hospital were collected from May to December in 2009, and the scores were obtained by experienced observers using the Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System, and everyday TISS scores were summed up. Results According to the classifieatian in TISS, the mean TISS score of 236 patients in intensive care unit (ICU) was (41.32 ± 13.27), which needed 1 nurse per patient; the score of 48.73% patients was equal to or above 40, which was classified to IV level in TISS and required one or more nurses to provide direct care. The mean daily TISS score of nursing workload in ICU was (206.55 ± 89.41 ), which required 15 nurses per 24 hours for direet patient care. Among the 76 interventions, ECG monitoring, daily input and output, and indwelling catheter had the highest frequencies. Conclusions ICU nurses were overloading. There was a certain gap between the current situation of nursing manpower in ICU and actual requirements, and narrowing and eliminating this gap would help hospitals improve the quality of nursing service. The inanorooriate nurse-to-oatient ratio and inadeauate nurse staff were the nrohlems which needed to be resolved as soon as possible.
Modern Clinical Nursing
Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System
nursing workload
intensive care unit