

Effect of Exercise and hyperthermic pretreatment on Expression of HSP70 in Human Leucocytes
摘要 目的观察1次递增负荷的力竭运动后人体白细胞HSP70的表达情况及热预处理对运动后HSP70表达的影响,检测机体损伤情况,探讨热预处理诱导的HSP70表达对机体抗损伤的保护作用。方法10名体育系男大学生在跑台运动至力竭后,采运动后即刻,运动后3 h8、h的静脉血,测试HSP70,另外测运动后即刻血浆CK值。1周后,热预处理(桑拿,温度45℃,湿度90%),室温恢复24 h,采安静时肘静脉血测试。进行递增负荷运动至力竭后,采血测试。结果运动后即刻HSP70和安静值比没有显著差异,运动后3 hHSP70显著升高(P<0.05),运动后8 h基本恢复到基础值。热预处理24 h后,HSP70显著增加,运动后即刻HSP70与热预处理前运动后即刻比显著降低。运动后即刻CK活性显著升高,热预处理运动后即刻CK活性显著低于热预处理前运动后即刻(P<0.05)。结论运动后人血白细胞HSP70表达有延后性。热预处理后再运动对机体造成的损伤与比热预处理前运动小,提示热预处理诱导的HSP70高表达可能对机体抗损伤能力有一定的作用。 The purpose of this study was to observe the expression of HSPT0 in human leucocytes after an incremental exhaustive bout of exercise and HSP70 change postexercise after previous hyperthermic treatment. 10 male subjects of physical education department ran on a treadmill until exhaustion. Blood was sampled from forearm vein at rest, immediately postexereise, 3 h and 8 h after exercise. These samples were analyzed for leucocytes HSP70. In addition, plasma creatine kinase(CK)was measured at rest and immediately postexercise. After a week the hyperthennic pretreatment was performed for an hour(Sauna, 45 ℃ ; relative humidity, 90% ).And then the subjects were at rest under the normal temperature for 24 hours. The same bout of exercise took place after this. The results were as follows: HSP70 content remained unchanged immediately postexereise and increased respectively from rest at 3 h after exercise ( P 〈 0.05). HSP70 expression increased significantly at 24 h after hyperthennic pretreatment. Compared with the level immediately postexereise before hyperthermic treatment, HSP70 decreased significantly immediately postexercise. HSP70 content at 8h after hyperthermic pretreatment decreased respectively compared with the basal line. There was significant change of CK activity in plasma immediately after exercise. Plasma CK activity remained unchanged immediately postexercise after hyperthennic pretreatment, but was lower respectively than that immediately postexercise before hyperthermic treatment. This result demonstrates that HSP70 overexpression induced by hyperthermic treatment probably enables the organism to enhance the capacity of resistance to damage induced by exercise.
出处 《西安体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期335-338,344,共5页 Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University
关键词 递增负荷的力竭运动 人体白细胞 HSP70 热预处理 损伤 incremental exhaustive bout of exercise leucocytes in human heat shock protein 70 hyperthermic pretreatment
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