Many oil pools in the sandstone lenses are formed in the Eogene oil source beds in the Niuzhuang Depression as a result of deltaic deposition. These sandstone lenses are characterized by a small range of extention, a rapid horizontal variation and the isolation from one another. Oil pools of this kind are difficult to explore and tap.Considering the features of sedimentation in the area, the author studies the characteristics of the seismic reflections of the sandstone lenses. Taking the Wang 50 sandstone lens as an example, the author presents systematically the drilling well data and a new approach to determining accurately the reflection waves from the sandstone lenses on the seismic profiles and to interpreting the data quantitatively by analyzing and synthesizing various information from the known wells, including the synthetic seismograms,seismic modeland wave impedance Meanwhile, the author probes deeply into the methods for predicting the sandstone masses in undrilled areas, which are proved by drilling to have produced good results in the geological investigation.
Geology of Shandong