1National and Community ServieeAet of 1990 [EB/OL]. http://www, cns. gov/pdf/cncs- statute.pdf. 被引量:1
2Campus Compact. Highlights and Trends in Student Service and Service-Learning [EB/OL].http://www. compact, org/newscc/ highlights, html, 2004-11-16. 被引量:1
8Campus Compact. Highlights and Trends in Student Service and Service-Leaming[EB/OL]. http://www.www.com-pact.org/newscc/highlights.html, 2005-03-18. 被引量:1
9Jeffrey B. Anderson and Terry Pickeral. Challenges and trategies for Success With Service-Learning in Preservice Teacher Education [EB/OL]. http://www.nationalservicere-sources.org/filemanager/download/NatlServFellows/anderso-nandpickeral.pdf, 2004-09-28. 被引量:1
10International center for service-learning in teacher education. Review of Research on Service Learning in Teacher Education [EB/OL]. http://www.clemson.edu/ICSLTE/research/docs, 2005-04-08. 被引量:1