If several popular activities, such as wells pumping, ponds leakage, irrigation infiltration and soon, simultaneously exist in an acguifer, then a complex flow field are created in this acquifer in which thegroundwater seepage feature well be disturbed each other by pumping, leakage and infiltration. The solution ofthis complex flow field can be done that: first, separate this complex flow field to several simple flow field;second, derive their potential function by using the seepage basic equations and boundary conditions of eachfield; third, superpose those potential functions by according to the potential superposition principle and createa synthesize potential function ; finally, using calculate the flow factors, Qx, Qy of each computing pointfor this conplex field. By these flow factors, the contour line of groundwater head 4 and unit discharge Qx, Qy,can be drawn. The above calculation are exacuted by SLWJL computer program and other drawing program.Three samples are shown in this text.
Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering