The "International Workshop on e+e- collisions from phi to psi" (PHIPSI09), was held at Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, from Tuesday, October 13 to Friday, October 16 2009. This is the seventh workshop in a series, which started in Karlsruhe in 1996 and continued in Novosibirsk (1999), SLAC (2001), Pisa (2003), Novosibirsk (2006), and Frascati (2008),
The "International Workshop on e+e- collisions from phi to psi" (PHIPSI09), was held at Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, from Tuesday, October 13 to Friday, October 16 2009. This is the seventh workshop in a series, which started in Karlsruhe in 1996 and continued in Novosibirsk (1999), SLAC (2001), Pisa (2003), Novosibirsk (2006), and Frascati (2008),