目的 了解山西省地方性氟中毒病区居民饮水含氟量及降氟改水工程使用现状,为制订科学有效的防治策略提供可靠依据.方法 2007年,根据〈地方病防治项目技术方案〉的要求,在山西省选择15个县(市、区)的未改水村进行高氟水源筛查,选择10个县(市)的全部降氟改水工程进行调查.水氟测定采用氟离子选择电极法(GB/T 8538-1995).结果 15个县(市、区)共调查未改水村969个,居民饮用水平均水氟合格(≤1.0mg/L)的村有497个,占51.29%(497/969),超过国家饮用水卫生标准(〉1.0 mg/L)的村有472个,占48.71%(472/969),超标水氟主要集中在〉1.0~4.0 mg/L,最高平均水氟达8.96 mg/L.10个县(市)共调查降氟改水工程290个,正常运行的有213个,占73.45%(213/290),间歇运行的有77个,占26.55%(77/290);降氟改水工程的出厂水水氟合格(≤1.0mg/L)的有158个,占54.48%(158/290),超过国家饮用水卫生标准(〉1.0mg/L)的有132个,占45.52%(132/290),最高水氟达5.20 mg/L.结论 山西省饮水型氟中毒病区水氟超标情况仍然较重,降氟改水工程水氟合格率较低,今后应加大改水力度,保证工程质量,进一步提高防治效果.
Objective To explore into the condition of fluoride content of the drinking water and the present status of water-improving projects in the endemic fluomsis areas in Shanxi province,and to provide the evidence for making scientific and effective tactics in prevention and control.Methods In 2007,according to "The National Technical Scheme for Endemic Disease Control",screening for drinking water fluoride content was carried out in non-improving water villages of 15 counties(cities,districts).The investigation of all water-improving projects was carried out in 10 counties(cities).The fluoride content in drinking water was determined by fluoride selective ion electrode(GB/T 8538-1995).Results Screening for drinking water fluoride content was carried out in 969 non-improving water villages in 15 counties(cities,districts).Average water fluoride content was≤1.0 mg/L in 497 villages,accounting for 51.29%(497/969).Average water fluoride content was〉1.0 mg/L in 472 villages.accounting for 48.71%(472/969).The overall standard drinking water fluoride content was mainlv〉1.0-4.0mg/L,and the maximum average water fluoride content was 8.96 mg/L.The investigation of 290 water-improving projects was carried out in 10 counties(cities).Among 290 water-improving projects 213 water-improving projects were running normally,accounting for 73.45%(213/290);77 water-improving projects were running abnormally,accounting for 26.55%(77/290).Water fluoride content was≤1.0 mg/L in 158 projects,accounting for 54.48%(158/290).Water fluoride content was〉1.0 mg/L in 132 projects,accounting for 45.52%(132/290).The maximal water fluoride content was 5.20 mg/L.Conclusions The situation of drinking water fluoride content over the national standard is serious in Shanxi province.The qualification rate was lower for the fluoride content of water-improving projects.Therefore,we should strength water-improving projects to raise the effectiveness of prevention and treatment and assure their quality.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
Fluoride poisoning
Mass screening