Mechanics effect of laser thermal stress is a new manufacturing technology, which uses thermal stress by high power laser acted on the surface of metal material to produce stress field. The technologies such as sheet metal formation by laser thermal stress, measurement by laser scratching and measurement by XRD (X-ray diffraction) are formed based on mechanics effects of laser thermal stress. The mechanisms of sheet metal formation by laser thermal stress, measurement by laser scratching and measurement by XRD are analyzed, and the theory of photo-mechanics manufacturing and detecting technologies based on laser thermal stress is originally put forward, whose experiment is primitively researched, and the manufacturing theory by mechanics effects of laser thermal stress is established.
this research from the Scientific Research Fund of Jiangsu Polytechnic University(GrantNo.ZMF07020042)
Fund of Jiangsu ProvincialKey Laboratory for Science and Technology of Photo-manufacroring (Grant No.GZ-1-02)
the NaturalScience Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher EducationInstitutions of China( Grant No. 08KJB430002 ) is gratefully acknowledged.