首先讨论了目前存在的大区域路径规划算法;其次建立了一种适用于多尺度路径规划算法的多级道路网数据模型,给出了多尺度道路网数据库和拓扑结构的建立;最后,在多级道路网数据模型的基础上,提出了一种适用于嵌入式G IS的多尺度道路网路径规划算法。
Firstly the paper discusses the route planning algorithm of wide region scope. Then, a multi-level road network data model is established, which suits for the algorithm of multi-scale route planning, and an effective method of establishing multi-scale road network database and multi-scale road network topology is put forward, a route planning algorithm is put forward, which suits for embedded GIS based on multi-level road network data model.
Hydrographic Surveying and Charting