目的探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)发病原因、并发症状、治疗方法与预防措施。方法对76例患者进行临床治疗,并观察其身体状况,做好临床记录。结果 76例患者中,64例病情得到有效控制,占84.2%,死亡5例,占6.6%。死亡经过治疗观察分析得出,COPD的发病原因比较复杂,且容易引起并发症。结论 COPD属于严重危害公众健康而又经常被忽视的疾病,能逐渐削弱患者的呼吸功能,造成患者呼吸困难甚至死亡,需要及时诊断治疗。
Objective To ascertain the incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease causes, concurrent symptoms, treatment methods and with preventive measures.Methods 76 cases of patients with COPD, and observe their physical condition, make clinical records.Results 76 patients, 64 cases of illness has been effectively controlled, accounting for 84.2%.5 deaths, accounting for 6.6%. Observing and analyzing the obtained death after treatment, COPD causes of morbidity rather complicated, and easily lead to complications. Conclusion COPD is a serious danger to public health, but often neglected diseases, to gradually weaken the patient’s respiratory function, resulting in difficulty breathing and even death in patients, the need for timely diagnosis and treatment.
China Practical Medicine