背景:异种皮质骨是一种易于获得且价格低廉的骨移植材料,具有良好的生物相容性和生物力学性能,在骨移植中不仅可成为新骨爬行替代的生物框架,还具有生物支撑作用,可通过加工成为内固定器材。目的:对异种皮质骨作为骨折内固定材料的生物学性能、制备方法、临床应用情况进行综述。方法:以Xenograft cortical bone,Bone graft,Fixation为检索词,检索PubMed数据库(1990-01/2009-05);以为骨移植、异种骨材料、内固定物检索词,检索中国期刊全文数据库(1990-01/2009-05)。结果与结论:共检索到128篇文献。异种皮质骨具有良好的生物性能,尤其是一定的生物力学性能,不仅能够完成骨填充、诱导成骨,还能在经过加工后起内固定物的作用,但传统制备过程降低了其生物力学性能。异种皮质骨可广泛应用于关节内骨折及松质骨骨折的内固定治疗,且可自行吸收,无需二次手术取出,但其不稳定的初始力学性能限制了其在其他部位骨折中的使用。
BACKGROUND:Xenograft cortical bone is an easy and inexpensive bone graft material,which has good biocompatibility and bio-mechanical properties.As a bone graft,it can function as biological framework for new bone growth and bio-supporting.Moreover,it can also be processed into internal fixation devices.OBJECTIVE:To review the biological properties,preparation methods and clinical applications of heterogeneous cortical bone for fracture fixation.METHODS:A computer-based online search of Pubmed database (1990-01/2009-05) and CNKI (1990-01/2009-05) was performed for related articles with of "Xenograft cortical bone,Bone graft,Fixation" in English and Chinese.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:A total of 128 articles were collected.Xenograft cortical bone has a good biological performance,in particular,a certain degree of bio-mechanical properties.It is not only able to complete bone filling,bone induction,but also function as internal fixator following processing.However,the traditional preparation process reduces their bio-mechanical properties.Heterogeneous cortical bone can be widely used in intra-articular fractures and cancellous bone fracture fixation,and can be self-absorbed,avoiding the second operation.However,its instability limits its initial mechanical properties of fractures at other sites.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research