
赖高翔先生诗述论 被引量:1

Narration and Discussion about Mr Lai Gaoxiang's Peotry
摘要 赖高翔是20世纪中国杰出的诗人、学者、教育家、隐士。赖高翔诗作为当代诗史、当代隐逸诗,乃自成一大家。其五古,取法魏晋,以"持其志"为内涵,以宽和为主,而融会和劲。其早期七古,绮丽、韵致,境界卓尔不凡。后期七古,寓风骨于韵致,写出时代之劫难,知识分子之苦难与风骨,洵为当代诗史。其五律,王孟之华秀超逸取致,杜甫之沉郁顿挫风趣,今之隐士之独特境界,融会为一。求之在昔,未之有也。字字研秀,句句警策之作,集中比比皆是。其七律,沉郁顿挫,近杜甫、刘禹锡;深邃苍凉,近陈散原;而别具一格。其七绝,情韵、神韵独到处,雅似唐贤,又不同唐贤;其苍凉深邃处,几于古今无两。其兴发感动,可歌可泣,不期然而然也。 Lai Gaoxiang was an outstanding Chinese.poet of the twentieth century, he was almost unique as a hermit. Lai Gaoxiang' s poem had a eximious style of his own as the contemporary epic poetry and reclusive poetry. His five-character-ancient-verses learned from poetry of the Wei and the Jin dynasties and took "hold on one's ambition" as their connotation, which took generous and gentle as main character, but also aoyws placid and powerful character. His early seven-character-ancient-verses were gorgeous, charming and had extraordinary realm. His late seven-character-ancient-verses took strength of character into ujgc, wrote about the times' catastrophe, also the intellectuals' suffering and strength of character. They were really the contemporary epic poetry. He aoywed his five-character-regular-verses with Wang Wei's and Meng Haoran' s gorgeous,Free and natural ujgc; Du Fu's profound and forceful flavor; contemporary hermits' unique realm. You can' t find out any other one in the past. The poetic works with beautiful specialities in words and keisakus in sentences can be found everywhere in his anthology. His senven-character-regular-verses were approximately like Du Fu' s and Liu Yuxi' s profound and forceful characters; and they were approximately like Chen Sanyuan's deep and desolate characters at the same time; but they were also unique. His sevencharacter-trim-verses had the distinctive verve which was similar as the elegant oracle of Tang Dynasty, but not the same with them.
作者 邓小军
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期38-46,共9页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 赖高翔 当代诗史 当代隐逸诗 Lai Gaoxiang poetry contemporary epic poetry contemporary reclusive poetry
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