目的 探讨糖耐量试验正常孕妇的孕期血糖水平与巨大儿发生的关系。 方法 选择孕晚期葡萄糖耐量试验正常的孕妇200 例,按新生儿体重分为正常组及巨大儿组,每组各100 例。采用样条函数对孕妇糖耐量检验结果的各时点值进行拟合,计算出曲线下的面积,同时对两组孕妇各项数据进行比较。 结果 两组孕妇身高、体重及宫高、腹围的增长均有明显统计学差异,而孕妇糖代谢过程未显示有统计学差异。 结论 对于糖耐量正常的孕妇,巨大儿的发生与糖代谢无相关关系,而与孕妇的身高、体重及宫高、腹围的增长幅度有关。故对上述孕妇需加强监测,给予合理营养指导,是减少巨大儿发生的关键。
Objective To investigate the relationship between blood glucose levels and macrosomia in pregnant women with normal glucose tolerance test(GTT). Methods 200 gravidas with normal GTT in third trimester of pregnancy were chosen and divided into two groups according to neonatal weight. The values of their GTTs were analyzed with splines and calculated glucose areas under curves. Results There were significant differences of maternal height, weight and the increasing of uterine height and abdominal perimeter in two groups.Carbohydrate metabolism was not significantly difference during late pregnancy. Conclusion Macrosomia do not correlate with glucose values of their GTTs in pregnant women with normal GTTs but are associated with maternal body habitus and the increasing of uterine height, abdominal perimeter. The pregnant women with high risk factors should be monitored during pregnancy and given nutrition guidance to reduce the incidences of macrosomia.
Chinese Journal of Perinatal Medicine