6Jiangsu Hongda Chemical New Material Co.,Ltd.(Hongda New material,SZ:002211)is located in Yangzhong,Jiangsu province.It got listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange onFebruary 1st,2008.(CCR2008, No.3)The company mainly produces silicone monomersand high-temperature silicone rubber series.The capacity of silicone monomers and prod-ucts of silicone rubber series reached 30 000 t/a and 28 000 t/a respectively at the end of2007.The sales volume of high-temperature silicone rubber compound has grown steadilyat 30% a year.The company’s high-temperature silicone rubber capacity is still beingexpanded today and will hopefully reach 50 000 t/a at the end of 2008..Hongda New Material Improved Silicone Rubber Industrial Chain[J].China Chemical Reporter,2008(25):21-21. 被引量:16