本文根据南海北部的气象水文观测资料,比较系统地分析1986-1987年E1 Nino盛期,南海北部大气环流、台风活动、气温、雨量、蒸发量、水温、盐度以及海平面等的异常情况,并对异常原因作出初步分析。
In this paper, the climatic anomalies in Northern South China Sea (NSCS) during 1986-1987 El Nino were analysed according to meteorological and hydrographic observation data. The lesults showed that the most apparent anomalies were: 1) Continuously weaker monsoon strength; 2) Continuously much higher South China Sea High Pressure strength; 3) In 1987 only six typhoons occurred in NSCS, four less than normal, with the first typhoon occurring on 25 June, which is about one month later than usual; 4) Positive air temperature anomaly, and annual precipitation and evaporation anomaly was negative; 5) Sea surface temperature and surface salinity anomaly was positive; 6)Monthly mean sea level was a few cm to 10cm lower than normal.