利用C语言技术与SQL Server数据库,开发基于C/S模式的计算机基础课程试题库及成卷系统的实现过程。系统的题库管理功能包括录入或编辑选择题、判断题、填空题和问答题等题型,可以设置各自的难易度及所在的章节知识点。在试卷生成部分,先设置各种类型题目的数量、难易度以及分值,然后手动添加试题或按给定指标随机抽取试题,可生成W ord格式试卷。
This paper describes the development of a test question database and paper generation system for Foundation Courses of the computer science using C# and the SQL Server platform based on the C/S mode. The database management covers the input and editing of questions such as multiple-choices, judgments, filling in the blanks and Questions & Answers, and the setup of their difficulty levels as well as knowledge points of every chapter. The generation of test papers begins with the setup of the amount, difficulty levels and marks for various types of questions, and then these questions are either added to the test paper by the user, or chosen from the database randomly to generate a test paper of the word document.
Electronic Science and Technology
Client/Server mode
test question database management
test paper generation