
自性清净心与本觉 被引量:5

Prakrti-parisuddham Cittam and Innate Enlightenment
摘要 心性被解释为"自性清净心",说此心"本觉",乃印度如来藏系经论中的核心思想,中国佛学对此义进行发挥,成为华化佛学诸宗的理论基础,并有具体指本觉之"觉"为"灵寂之知"的说法。本觉及灵寂之知说乃佛学界长期争议不决的重要问题,本文对印度及中国自性清净心及本觉说的原义作了整理,并略作评议。 Disposition, interpreted as "prakrti-parisuddham cittam", meaning that this heart is "innate enlightenment", is the core thought in the Indian Tathagata school, which Chinese Buddhist studies expound and develop into the rationale of all Chinese Buddhist sects, with the notion that the "enlightenment" in innate enlightenment is "subtle wisdom of Nirvnan". The ar- ticle sorts out and briefly comments on the original definitions of the Indian and the Chinese no- tions of innate enlightenment and subtle wisdom of Nirvnan, a controversy as welI as an impor- tant issue in the Buddhist academia.
作者 陈兵
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期21-30,共10页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 自性清净心 本觉 灵寂之知 prakrti-parisuddham cittam innate enlightenment subtle wisdom of nirvana
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