According to the assumption of rational farmers and the actual survey data, we depth analysis the influence about the institution of forest cutting quota management to the behavior of farmers' forest tending and cutting, we get the conclusions that the institution of forest cutting quota management does not affect harvesting and tending decisions of farmers. The decision is affected by the technical regulations of forest tending and cuting, the cost of tending timber cuttcd and the price of short timber small-diameter timber. In the strict constraints of forest tending and cutting technical regulations, farmers tend to delay to start tending and cutting and make the choice of cuting middle trees and retaining big small trees, which indicates that the strict constraints of forest tending and cutting technical regulations have not reach the initial policy purpose of improving forest quality and promoting the growth of forest resources. The Government needs revise the technical regulations of forest tending and cuting.
Issues of Forestry Economics
the institution of forest cutting quota management
farmers behavior
tending and cutting