本文针对我国自动抄表技术的研究现状,提出了基于J2ME的GPRS远程无线自动抄表系统。系统采用Siemens TC65无线通信模块作为数据处理模块和GPRS数据传输终端,将电表数据按照TCP/IP协议传送到控制中心,数据传输安全、可靠。定时存储读表数据,以便需要时下载分析。本系统开发成本低,而且可以对系统进行远程监控、实时维护、方便更新升级。
Aiming at the study of Automatic Meter Reading in our country, this paper brings forward a GPRS remote wireless automatic meter reading system based on J2ME. The system adopts Siemens TC65 wireless communication module as data processing module and GPRS data transmission terminal, the meter data can be transmitted to the control center according to TCP/IP protocol, which is safe and reliable. Meter data are stored regularly in order to be downloaded and analyzed as needed.
Value Engineering