
韩国人心目中的中国形象——基于焦点集团访谈的研究结果 被引量:10

China's Image through the Eyes of Koreans:Results from Focus Group Interview
摘要 本研究以生活在首尔的韩国青壮年中的意见领袖为对象,通过FGI方法调查了他们心目中的中国形象。研究结果表明,受访者对中国非常关注,但对中国的认识和情感都偏向负面。如,他们对社会主义制度持有偏见;认为虽然中国经济有巨大潜力,但发展水平仍很低;认为中国社会存在诸多问题,例如贫富差距大、食品不安全、治安差、不注重环保、市民修养低等。受访者对中国崛起充满担忧,认为中国崛起后会成为霸权国而威胁韩国。在中韩关系方面,他们不认为中国是可信任的合作伙伴,虽然希望强化与中国的经济合作,但不愿承认韩国从中国的发展中受益。韩国人对中国的上述认识中有一部分是"刻板印象",其成因是社会制度差异以及诸多历史原因。他们对中国流露出不信任、自尊、自卑以及受害意识等复杂情感,也促成了其对中国的负面评价。 This report is based on a Focus Group Interview (FGI) of 34 South Koreans who are residing in Seoul to capture China's image through their eyes. While results of the interviews reveal that the interviewees followed China's affairs with keen interest,their impressions and thoughts about China tended to lean toward the negative side. Their prejudices towards Socialism were obvious,eventhough they generally agreed that Chinese Socialism is superior to other forms of Socialism. At the same time as they affirmed the potential of the Chinese economy,they were keen to point out the relative "cheap and poor quality" of Chinese products,and that China's economic development remains at a very low level. In addition,they also believed that China faces many problems:wide income disparity,poor food safety,public order,environmental conditions and civic behaviors,to name a few. They were wary of China's rise,and believed that in due time,China will threaten Korea. They did not see China as a trusted partner to Korea,and while they hope to see China and Korea intensifying their economic relations,they are unwilling to admit that Korea has benefitted from the developments in China. This stereotyping of China is largely due to societal,ideological and historical differences. The interviewees' thoughts were a complicated mixture of distrust,self-respect,inferiority complex,and even sense of victimization. All these added up to their negative view of China.
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期109-133,共25页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"韩国人心目中的中国形象"的阶段性成果 课题批准号09CGJ008
关键词 中国形象 中国崛起 中韩关系 FGI China's Image / Rise of China / Sino-Korean Relations / FGI
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