
体系、社会和国家:理解《美韩自由贸易协定》 被引量:2

The System,the Society,and the State:an Analysis of KORUS FTA
摘要 2007年6月,美韩双方签署了《美韩自由贸易协定》。美韩之间为什么要签署该协定?该协定对两国国内分别产生了哪些影响?该协定为何至今没能获得美国国会的通过?针对上述问题,本文结合美国贸易政策理论,从体系、国家和社会三个层面对其进行了分析。《美韩自由贸易协定》的签署及其实施,在体系层面上将会为双方带来经济、政治和战略上的多重收益,而在社会层面上却产生了不同的反应。尽管由于国内经济困难和利益集团的掣制使得协定的通过还面临不小的阻力,但基于协定所蕴含的重要价值和两国政府对此认识的高度一致,协定获得通过只是时间上的问题。 After about a year of tough negotiations,Korea and U.S. reached an agreement to KORUS FTA in April 2,2007. Nonetheless,till today,the agreement has yet been put into effect. The article analyzes the economic and political interests related to the agreement through three perspectives:system-centered,society-centered and state-centered. It discusses the disputes and disagreements about the agreement,both in Korea and in the U.S. Even though both Korean and U.S. governments have to place priority on their economy-in view of economic difficulties and the involvement of interest groups-many factors point to the fact that both sides are pursuing their respective paths to maximize interests.
作者 崔荣伟
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期73-91,共19页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
关键词 《美韩自由贸易协定》 体系分析 社会分析 国家分析 KORUS FTA / System-Centered / Society-Centered / State-Centered
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