The ability to adjust growth and development to the availability of mineral nutrients in the soil is an essential life skill of plants but the underlying signaling pathways are poorly understood. In Arab/dops/s thal/ana, shortage of po- tassium (K) induces a number of genes related to the phytohormone jasmonic acid (JA). Using comparative microarray analysis of wild-type and coi1-16 mutant plants, we classified transcriptional responses to K with respect to their depen- dence on COI1, a central component of oxylipin signaling. Expression profiles obtained in a short-term experiment clearly distinguished between COil-dependent and COil-independent K-responsive genes, and identified both known and novel targets of JA-COIl-signaling. During long-term K-deficiency, coi-16 mutants displayed de novo responses covering similar functions as COil-targets except for defense. A putative role of JA for enhancing the defense potential of K-deficient plants was further supported by the observation that plants grown on low K were less damaged by thrips than plants grown with sufficient K.
The ability to adjust growth and development to the availability of mineral nutrients in the soil is an essential life skill of plants but the underlying signaling pathways are poorly understood. In Arab/dops/s thal/ana, shortage of po- tassium (K) induces a number of genes related to the phytohormone jasmonic acid (JA). Using comparative microarray analysis of wild-type and coi1-16 mutant plants, we classified transcriptional responses to K with respect to their depen- dence on COI1, a central component of oxylipin signaling. Expression profiles obtained in a short-term experiment clearly distinguished between COil-dependent and COil-independent K-responsive genes, and identified both known and novel targets of JA-COIl-signaling. During long-term K-deficiency, coi-16 mutants displayed de novo responses covering similar functions as COil-targets except for defense. A putative role of JA for enhancing the defense potential of K-deficient plants was further supported by the observation that plants grown on low K were less damaged by thrips than plants grown with sufficient K.