目的 为了揭示胃运动和排空功能在营养不良症发病机理中的作用.方法 本组病例在摄入液体试验餐后采用B型实时超声置像法测定胃的运动和排空.结果 营养不良患儿餐后胃体蠕动和胃窦收缩频率明显降低,液体胃排空速度明显减慢(P均<0.01).结论 对营养不良症患儿的治疗可应用促进胃动力药物(吗丁啉)或采取其它相应措施,以增加胃排空速度,增加能量的摄入,提高治疗效果.
ve To reveal the roles of the function of gastric motility in pathogenesis of malnutrition in children. Methods The gastric movement and evacuation were measured by means of type-B real-time ultrasonography after ingestion of liquid test meal. Results The peristalsic fre-quency of gastric body, the contractive frequency of antrum and the speed of evacuation were dramatic reduction. Conclusion Increasing motility of stomach such as tabelet Domperidoni may help to treat the malnutrition in children.