The Reorganization Procedure for Bankruptcy sets the target enterprise in the centre in order to save the puzzledom enterprise. However, the value system of Bankruptcy Reorganization is muhiple and win- win, and it is a balance between the enterprise and other stake related parties in essence. These parties give up parts of their benefits to maximize the whole interest, In addition,there exist stake - unrelated parties contributing to the success of the Bankruptcy Reorganization,This artiele mainly dise.usses the respective role of different parties. The creditors and debtor enterprises are ascribed certain roles in the course of' mutual game. The creditors play a role with the ultimate controlling power, while the debtors are regarded as the central management controller in the pattern of self - management during the reorganization. In China,it needs special attention paid for the role of the bank creditors, decided by the particular relationship between the banks and enterprises. As for the stake - unrelated parties, the trustee in bankruptcy acts as a lever between the creditors and debtors, while the court serves as the neutral judge.
Journal of Huaihua University
bankruptcy reorganizalion
controlling power
balance interests