针对一氧化碳焚烧炉的结构特点及一氧化碳焚烧的工艺要求,以西门子S7-300 PLC为核心控制设备,利用西门子Step7软件实现一氧化碳焚烧炉的温度控制和油、气燃料的全自动的燃烧控制。阐述了该燃烧控制系统的组成和配置,介绍了实现的功能、方法。经实际应用证明,该设计方案是合理且高效的。
Siemens Step 7 software is adopted to realize CO burning temperature control of incinerator and automatic burning control of natural gas and fuel oil,by taking Simatic S7-300 PLC as a kernel control unit of the CO burning control system,according to the structure characteristics and technology requirements of CO incinerator.The composition and configuration of burning control system are elaborated.The achieved function and method are presented.The practical application proves that the automatic burning control system for CO incinerator is reasonable and effective.
Modern Electronics Technique