
CBLA:多信道无线网状网络负载感知的分簇式信道分配 被引量:4

CBLA:Cluster-Based Load-Aware Channel Assignment for Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks
摘要 多信道技术能够显著提升无线网状网络的容量,合理高效的信道分配方案是多信道网状网络的核心问题.本文提出了一种分布式的信道分配方法CBLA(Cluster-Based Load-Aware),结合了静态信道分配简单和动态信道分配灵活的特点;借助簇结构降低了问题的规模;根据统计开销小的局部信息监测链路负载;自适应的动态分配有效减轻了链路负载;采用了一种新的结合跳步数、信道分布情况和簇信息的选路指标.实验结果表明CBLA有效降低了数据包的平均延迟,并显著提升了网络吞吐量. The capacity of wireless mesh networks can be significantly improved by multi-channel communications;channel assignment is an important issue in multi-channel Mesh network.We propose a novel distributed channel assignment algorithm CBLA(Cluster-Based Load-Aware),which takes advantage of both static and dynamic channel assignment approaches.CBLA uses clustering to reduce the complexity of channel assignment problem,estimates the traffic load by low-overhead statistic information of local packets.Adaptive dynamic channel assignment results in a better link load equilibrium.We also introduce a new routing metric,which combines hop count,channel diversity and cluster information together.A detailed performance evaluation shows that CBLA significantly improves aggregated throughput and reduces average packet delay.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期546-551,共6页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家863高技术研究发展计划(No.2006AA010202)
关键词 无线网状网络 多信道 信道分配 分簇 负载感知 wireless mesh networks multi-channel channel assignment clustering load-aware
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