
乳腺机不同靶面-滤过组合辐射剂量的对比研究 被引量:5

Comparative study of radiation dose between different target surface-filtration combinations of the breast mammographic equipment
摘要 目的:研究数字乳腺摄影机钼-钼、钼-铑、钨-铑三种不同靶面-滤过组合的辐射剂量。方法:采用西门子Mammomat Novation DR型数字乳腺机,应用上述三种不同靶面-滤过组合分别对15、30和45mm三种不同厚度模体各进行5次投照,测量其辐射剂量并计算平均值。结果:模体为15mm时,三种不同靶面-滤过组合辐射剂量差别不大,而在模体为30mm和45mm时,三种不同靶面-滤过组合的辐射剂量差别显著加大,且钼-钼组合辐射剂量最大,钼-铑组合次之,钨-铑组合最小。结论:在实际工作中应根据不同的乳腺厚度选择合适的靶面-滤过组合进行摄影,以尽量减少患者的辐射剂量。 Objective:To explore the radiation doses between different target surface-filtration combinations of molybdenum-molybdenum,molybdenum-rhodium and tungsten-rhodium targets of the digital breast X-ray machine.Methods:Three different thick phantoms of 15mm,30mm,45mm were individually exposed 5 times using three different target surface-filtration combinations with Siemens Mammomat Novation DR digital breast X-ray machine,and mean radiation dose was calculated.Results:There were no significant differences in radiation dose between three different target surface-filtration combinations in 15mm phantom.But there were significant differences in 30mm and 45mm phantoms.Radiation dose was the highest in the molybdenum-molybdenum combination,lowest in the tungsten-rhodium,and medial in the molybdenum-rhodium.Conclusion:Appropriate target surface-filtration combination should be selected on the basis of different thickness of mammary gland in our practical work so as to decrease the dose for patients as far as possible.
出处 《放射学实践》 北大核心 2010年第4期441-443,共3页 Radiologic Practice
基金 山东省医药卫生科技发展计划项目(2009HZ071)
关键词 乳腺 辐射剂量 放射摄影术 Breast Radiation dose Radiography
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