实验室保藏一株产几丁质脱乙酰酶(CDA)的菌种,经过验证该酶属于胞内酶,为进一步分离纯化,需对细胞进行破碎。本文以细胞破碎后上清液酶活为指标,通过比较几种常用细胞破碎方法,最终确定破碎该细胞提取CDA的最佳方法:发酵液洗涤三次,用pH8.0 Tris-Hcl缓冲液悬浮菌体,先进行反复冻融,然后再用玻璃匀浆器处理6min,离心测上清液酶活,比破碎前上清液酶活提高了5.58倍。
The strains Kept in our laboratory was able to produce chitin deacetylase (CDA) , which was certified endoenzyme. In order to purify the CDA, we need to rupture the cell. In this paper, we compared several commonly methods of cell disruption and determined the best way to extract CDA.The optimum method is as follows: fermenting liquor was washed three times, and the thallus was suspended with Tris- HCI buffer pH8.0.The solution was repeated freezed and then treated 6 min by glass homogenizer. Finally the supernatant was obtained by centrifuge. And the enzyme activity of the supernatant has inproved 5.58 times over the contrast.
Shandong Food Ferment