
基于双区模型的汽油机燃烧过程可用能及不可逆损失分析 被引量:2

Availability and Irreversibility Analysis of Combustion Process for Gasoline Engine Based on Two-Zone Model
摘要 为考察汽油机燃烧过程中的能量转化规律,建立了汽油机燃烧过程的热力学双区模型,考虑了可用能变化及不可逆损失.求解了燃烧期间缸内压力及温度随曲轴转角的变化规律、缸内工质可用能及不可逆损失的变化规律,分析了未燃区和已燃区的可用能以及与放热规律的关系.工质可用能转化包括对外做功、传热转移可用能和可用能损失3部分,燃烧结束时,工质总可用能占燃烧初始总可用能的比例约为47.0%.在整个燃烧阶段,燃烧可用能损失约为18.4%,由于向缸壁传热造成的可用能损失约为12.3%.缩短燃烧持续期和适当推后着火有利于降低燃烧过程可用能不可逆损失. To investigate the energy conversion principle in the combustion process ot a gasoline engine, a two-zone thermodynamic model was developed. The change of availability and loss of irreversibility were taken into account. Cylinder pressure and temperature were calculated as a function of crank angle during the combustion process. Total availability and availability destruction terms were calculated as a function of crank angle. The relationship of avail- ability of unburned zone and burned zone and its relationship with heat release were analyzed. Transfer of charge availability includes work, availability transfer of heat transfer and availability destruction. Charge availability at the end of combustion is about 47.0% of the total availability at the start of combustion. Combustion irreversibility is about 18.4% of the total intial availability, while due to heat transfer, availability destruction is about 12.3% during the whole combustion process. A shorter combustion duration and a properly postponed combustion are both helpful to reduce availability destruction.
出处 《燃烧科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期128-132,共5页 Journal of Combustion Science and Technology
基金 天津大学内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室开放课题资助项目(K2010-06)
关键词 汽油机 燃烧过程 可用能 不可逆 双区模型 gasoline engine combustion process availability irreversibility two-zone model
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