首先粗略的介绍了在蒸发管内的自然本质以及影响热虹吸状态的因素,并给出设计的概念数据。使设计者更快更清晰地了解该再沸器的操作本质。采用Chisholm计算有蒸发的两相流压降的积分式,使计算蒸发管内的压降更方便,便于手算。传热计算采用被广泛接受的Chen氏泡核沸腾传热公式。较清晰的介绍了计算程序,并用Visual Basic6.0语言编制了用本文的方法计算立式热虹吸式再沸器的程序VTReboil,提供读者免费使用。
In this article we introduce vaporization nature in tubes of verticle thermosiphon reboiler and factors of affecting thermosiphon state firstly. Afterward offer some primary data about design to reader.Designer can understand the nature of reboiler working soon and clear. We use Chisholm's equations calculating gas-liquid two phase flow pressure drop in tubes with vaporization.It may be the facilitiest method to calculating pressure drop in vaporization tubes and can hand computing.The most widely used and accepted correlation of Chen for nucleat boiling heat to date will used in this article. We demonstrate the computing program clearly and program the VTReboil software with Viaual Basic 6.0 to design vertical thermosiphon reboiler and use free.
Pharmaceutical Engineering Design