目的通过使用等离子体低温灭菌设备处理临床上管腔类器械,检测其灭菌效果是否充分。方法采用常温等离子体灭菌器,选用枯草芽胞杆菌黑色变种芽胞、大肠埃希菌、金黄色葡萄球菌作为模拟试验菌株,以细不锈钢丝为染菌载体,用聚四氟乙烯管和不锈钢管模拟金属和非金属导管类器械、用心脏导管和腹腔镜管腔作为样品进行挑战性灭菌试验。结果3个试验菌种组共进行15锅次灭菌试验,各灭菌锅次中的4个枯草芽胞杆菌黑色变种芽胞菌片经培养后均无菌,4个化学指示卡均变色充分,10个放在模拟金属和非金属导管以及心脏导管和腹腔镜器械样品中的染菌载体经培养后均无菌生长。结论常温等离子灭菌器可对内径1 mm长度400 mm和内径2 mm长度600 mm的金属导管以及内径1 mm长度2 m的非金属管腔类器械进行有效的灭菌。
OBJECTIVE To treat lumen devices in clinical conditions by using low-temperature plasma sterilization equipment to inspect the sufficiency of sterilization effect. METHODS A ambient temperature plasma sterilization equipment were used, with Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus as the stanard strains, fine stainless steel wire as the bacterial carrier; polytetrafluoroethylene tube and stainless steel tube as the simulation metal and non-metallic catheter instruments; and cardiac catheter and laparoscopic lumen as samples. RESULTS 15 sterilization tests were carried out on three kinds of test strains. After incubation, four plates of Bacillus subtilis var. niger spores in each test were all in sterile. The four chemical indicators changed th6 color sufficiently. For the samples of 10 bacterial carriers placed in metal and non-metallic catheter instruments, cardiac catheter and laparoscopic lumen, there were no bacterial growth after incubation. CONCLUSIONS The ambient temperature plasma sterilization equipment can be effectively used in sterilization of devices with metal catheters of 1 mm inner diameter 400 mm length and 2 mm inner diameter 600 mm length, and non metallic catheters of 1 mm inner diameter 2 m length.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
Plasma Sterilization Equipment
Lumen Device
Sterilization Effect