
猪肺炎支原体MY-99株P46基因的序列分析 被引量:6

Sequential Analysis of Surface Protein P46 Gene of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Wild Strain MY-99
摘要 提取猪肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae)MY-99株DNA,利用设计的一对引物扩增编码P46蛋白的基因,将扩增产物克隆到pMD18-T载体,挑取2个克隆株测序。测序结果表明,P46基因全长1134 bp,编码378个氨基酸,序列的182、381和734位有3个TGA,是编码色氨酸Trp的密码子。2个克隆株的测序结果与标准株232株的P46基因序列相比,其同源性分别为99.6%和99.2%。 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae(Mhp) wild strain MY-99 was cultured in ATCC liquid medium,and extracted DNA.By PCR technique,the specific P46 gene was amplified.Then the P46 gene was cloned into pMD18-T vector and chose two cloned vectors sequenced.The results of sequencing demonstrated that the cloned sequence is 1134 bp,and it is coding 378 amino acids.The sequence is including three TGA codons coding Trp in 182,381 and 734 positions.Comparing the P46 sequence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae(Mhp) wild strain MY-99 with the sequence of standard 232 strain published in GenBank,the identity of them were 99.6% and 99.2%.
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第4期103-105,共3页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 四川省畜牧食品局资助项目(2004):猪气喘病病原分子生物学特性及疫苗研究
关键词 猪肺炎支原体 P46基因 序列分析 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae(Mhp) P46 gene sequential analysis
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