目的分析心肌梗死患者发生T波电交替(T-wave alternans,TWA)的规律以及各种并发症对TWA的影响。方法在European ST-T数据库中选取部分心肌梗死患者的心电信号利用改进的谱分析法与相关分析法进行TWA检测。结果各类型心肌梗死患者都出现明显的TWA现象;②前壁心肌梗死患者TWA现象相对较少,下壁心肌梗死患者TWA易检测出来;③并发心绞痛与冠状动脉疾病的各类型心肌梗死患者TWA现象较多;④相关分析法平均交替幅度(Acm)与谱分析法平均交替幅度(Asm)无明显特征性,是否与其他心电参数有关,需要进一步研究。结论TWA的检测确可作为诊断心肌梗死疾病及其并发症的一项重要指标。
Objective To analysis the effects of various myocardial infarction and syndrome on TWA. Method The modified spectral method and correlation method were used to detect TWA of some people with myocardial infarction from European ST-T Database. Results 1. TWA phenomenon occured in the all types patients with myocardial infarction . 2. TWA of anterior myocardial infarction was evidence, however TWA of inferior myocardial infarction was opposite. 3. TWA of myocardial infarction with syndrome such as angina and coronary artery disease was easily detected. 4. The mean Acm of correlation analysis and Asm of spectral analysis could not been considered as important parameters, and they need furth studies. Conclusions TWA showed to be highly predictive of the occurrence of myocardial infarction and syndrome as a new method.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering