在移动Ad hoc网络技术的研究中,由于受到节点移动性、带宽和能量等的限制,传统的基于有线网络的多播路由协议无法直接应用到Ad hoc网络中。研究和设计稳定高效的多播路由协议并将其应用到实际的网络中己成为当前Ad hoc网络研究领域的热点。文中结合无线自组网节点设计的项目,论证了系统的设计方案,详细地分析了无线自组网的MAODV路由协议,设计实现了在嵌入式设备中MAODV的改进方案,并且指出了下一步工作的重点。
In the research of Ad hoc networks,the multicast protocol in traditional wire networks,due to being limited by nodes mobility,bandwidth and energy,could not be directly applied in the Ad hoc networks.So the research and design of reliable and highly efficient multi-cast protocol has become the focus of current Ad hoc networks.This paper,combined with the node design project of ad hoc networks,discusses the system design,analyzes in depth the multicast routing protocol MAODV,gives the modified MAODV scheme in embedded device,and points out the future research work.
Communications Technology