
基于天线子集选择算法的DSTBC优化 被引量:2

DSTBC Optimization Based on Antenna Subset Selection
摘要 为进一步提高空时码性能,在信道模型为瑞丽和莱斯慢衰落信道的情况下,文中提出了一种优化差分空时分组码的"天线子集选择算法"——假设发射信号为特定的Alamouti正交空时分组码,通过最大化信道参数矩阵F范数的方法,优化了MIMO系统的天线集。仿真结果表明:此方法可降低码元的比特错误率,并且可获得相当客观的分集增益和能量增益。此外,还讨论了该优化方法的适用范围。 To improve the performace of space-time codes in Rayleigh and Rician slow fading channels.An "antenna subset selection algorithm" for optimizing the MIMO system-assuming that the signal for transmission is the specific Alamouti orthogonal space-time block code,and through maximizing channel Frobenius norm,the antenna set of MIMO system is optimized.The simulation results show that the proposed selection algorithm could lead to the reduction of bit error rate,acquire objective diversity and powe gains.In addition,this paper discusses the applicable domains of the proposed optimization method.
机构地区 北京 北京理工大学
出处 《通信技术》 2010年第3期1-3,共3页 Communications Technology
关键词 差分空时分组码(DSTBC) 天线子集选择 误码率 space-time block code antenna subset selection bit error rate(BER)
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