

On Protestantism’s Contribution to Stability of Early USA
摘要 基督新教向来注重教民的自身修养和道德建设,崇尚福利慈善。作为其重要分支的清教在这方面更为突出。来到美国后,他们继承这一传统,既关爱弱者,又发展慈善,同时也减轻了政府政治与经济两方面的压力,维护社会稳定。全国上下得以将力量汇聚一处,快速推动社会向前发展。 Protestant Church has ever been adhering to moral construction, improving charity and social welfare. Puritanism, a typical ramification of Protestantism, can be deemed as the vanguard in the above-mentioned aspect. After arriving what is now called USA, the Protestants keep and improve this tradition: caring the needy; promoting charity and social welfare, and easing the political and economic burden of the Government, all of which facilitates a stable society. This makes it possible for the USA to rally the whole nation's attention to drive the country forward.
作者 邬德平
出处 《湖南科技学院学报》 2010年第3期47-49,56,共4页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering
关键词 基督新教 早期美国 道德 福利慈善 稳定 Protestantism early USA moral charity and social welfare stability
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